
Registered users can set user preferences. Clicking on the Preferences tab of the Navigation Bar will bring the user to the following Preferences page. The use of preferences setting is particularly useful for users who switch devices from workstation to mobile and back to workstation. Some of these preferences decrease the amount of information to be downloaded by mobile devices, saving both time and bandwidth costs for the user.

Long Document Optimization

Because some of the documents to be accessed in an online digital library are large (some documents can be 1000 pages or longer), MicroSearch has developed an innovative approach that makes accessing even extremely long documents easy on a mobile device. The MicroSearch retrieval engine extracts a limited number of pages at a time (as chosen by the user on the “Preferences” tab), and downloads those to the mobile device. Each user can set the device preferences anytime, depending on the speed of the wireless connection, so that the mobile device will request and receive the preferred number of pages, between one and one hundred at a time.

In addition to setting page preferences, the user can also set preferences to make the “Hit List” smaller or larger, by including or excluding contextual language surrounding the search phrase.

Keeping or excluding context surrounding the search phrase is managed by setting user preferences in the browser of the mobile device. If the choice is to include contextual language (this really makes determining the appropriateness of the “Hit” easier), the user can even set the number of words in the surrounding context, from 1 to 100 words, both before and after the “Hit”.

Finally, the user can set a preference for determining how many “Hit” records to show on the “Hit List” that is created from a successful search, as well as how many “Hits” to show in any one document. Managing these preferences on the mobile device, preferences can be set as many times as is necessary for the user to fine-tune preferences to maximize the search experience.