Document Page Navigation

On the document page, there are two navigation bars; one at the top and one at the bottom. The one at the top is mainly for navigating between documents and the one at the bottom is for navigating search results within a document as well as pages.

The top navigation bar looks like this:

You’ll notice the icons on the right. Here’s a key:

The bottom navigation bar looks like this:

When a user opens a document from the Contents, all navigation except the Results and hit navigation buttons (in yellow) will dispaly.

When a user opens a document from the Search Results page, all the navigation buttons will display, with those related to navigating search results on the bottom navigation bar. While the icon design may vary, below is a table explaining their various functions.

IconRoll-over HintDescription
fieldsShow the metadata filter fields of the currently open document.
attachmentsShow all attachments associated with the currently open document.
notesOpen the dialogue box to insert Notes for future reference.
download PDFDownload PDF file of the currently open document.
search resultsShow list of documents with Hits resulting from latest search operation.
previous resultShow first Hit in previous document in current Hit List.
first hit (in yellow)Jump to first hit in the currently open document.
previous hit (in yellow)Jump to the previous Hit in the currently open document.
contents Go to the Table of Contents.
previous documentGo to the previous document in the Table of Contents.
first pageGo to first page of currently open document.
previous pageGo to previous page of currently open document.
number of pages in open documentShows the open page number of the currently open document. Jump to a different page by entering that page number
next pageGo to the next page of the currently open document, regardless of Hits.
last pageGo to the last page of the currently open document, regardless of Hits.
next documentGo to the next document in the Table of Contents.
next hit (in yellow)Jump to the next Hit in the open document.
last hit (in yellow)Jump to the last Hit in the open document.
next resultJump to the next Hit in the next document with Hits.
text/imagesToggles between Text and Image view of open document page
go to topGo to the top of the currently open page.
  1. Types of documents in databasesMicrosearch indexes and searches two types of documents:
    1. Single file documents have been converted into a single html file from a native electronic format such as word.
    2. Multi-file documents have been converted from PDF and may be from a scanned file or a fully digital PDF.
  2. Downloading other versions of the documentsIn most Websearch databases, the indexed file is an HTML page or pages. The file will also always be available as a linked PDF file and if available the native format such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. Click on the icons at the bottom of the page to download the other formats.
  3. Using sticky notesA feature that may be available on your database is the new Sticky Notes feature. Sticky Notes can be added to a page, like a post it note. By default, the note is visible only to the person who created it, but those permissions can be modified on the note itself.To create a sticky note, click on the image of a blank sticky note icon that shows in the document and hit navigation bar at the bottom an open document.A panel will appear on the right side of the page. Click on “create new note”and a note processor will open.

    image of the note processer

    Enter your note and click the X at the top right of the note processer.

    image of adding notes and setting permission
    Your note will appear in the right hand panel. If you close that panel, you can retrieve the note by clicking on the note icon again.